Here I have collected all my writings, all in English, and sorted
into three categories: Whitepapers for longer texts, blog entries
for shorter ones, and a special page for the make structure project.
My apologies for all non-English native visitors, but translating all
documents would have taken too much of my time.
- A first article titled "Type Qualifiers in C",
written several years ago, is now available in PDF-Format - it
explains the use of 'const' and 'volatile' (and 'restrict') when
programming in C (and C++).
- Have you ever despaired of obtaining a truckload of messages from using
PC Lint? Then my
second article is for you:
"How to wield PC Lint".
A step-by-step guide to correctly configure PC Lint, and then overcome
the possibly thousands of messages produced, updated to cover PC
Lint version 9.0!
- Build environments tend to get neglected. I created a system based on
GNU make intended to be neglected, since it automates most of the
maintenance work of other systems. And now I started documenting that
system in such a way that an interested reader can see how it works,
either to use it as-is, or even to adapt it to his/her own requirements.
This documentation is far from complete, but growing steadily. Have a look!
- While software architecture is a main topic when (re-)designing systems,
the way of organizing source code in physical environments, on hard-
disks, in directories, and structuring the basics of source files is
quite often neglected. I have written a short paper that is likely to be
expanded in the future, to point at some topics in this area and even
give some recommendations (or better: to illustrate what I do when I have
the decisive power). Recommended, if only to get some ideas of your own:
- Being a free-lancer I often get into projects where the topics of coding
guidelines, style guides and naming conventions are discussed. And most
often I then get the unavoidable question: How do others do it? Well, I
cannot answer that question directly, but I was tired of having to
explain several things again and again. Basically, no problem, but I had
nothing in writing. That has now changed. I created a list of the rules
I collected over the years, pulled them together and provided some
reasoning behind every rule. That last issue is arguably the most
important contribution I can give in this area: Every rule is illustrated
with some argument, pro and/or contra, or examples. Have a look, and if
you will, use it as a part of your company-internal discussion: Coding
Others will follow.
© 1999 – 2025 by Johan Bezem, all rights reserved.
This page was last updated on Thursday, 2018-10-04 05:25.