JB Enterprises

JB Enterprises - Johan Bezem

Interim Management & Consulting

Imprint / Privacy

Indications according to §5 TMG (German law)

JB Enterprises
Johan Bezem
Mariestrasse 7
35606 Solms


Telephone: +49 172 5463210
Fax: +49 172 50 5463210
Email: administration@bezem.de


VAT-Identification number according to §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz (German/EU law): DE199038134.

Responsible for the content according to §55 Abs. 2 RStV (German law)

Johan Bezem
Mariestrasse 7
35606 Solms


On page "The latest" I offer to notify you of any changes on that page, my CV or my availability. If you click the offered link, you will be transferred to the pages of visualping.io. That service is outside of my control, and has its own set of terms and conditions, as well as its own privacy policy.


This website also contains other links to external websites, the contents of which are outside of my control. I therefore cannot take responsibility for those contents. For the contents of linked websites, their respective owners are responsible. If and when inappropriate links are brought to my attention, I will promptly remove the respective links.

If you do not use the links I offer on my site (and your browser is not configured for "Link Prefetching"), no data is sent to the respective website owners.

Data Privacy Protection

This website does not collect personal or private data in any form. It uses neither cookies nor JavaScript. All content, visible or non-visible, is from a single source, from the domain bezem.de. Content from other websites is not used.
The site is hosted by Strato (www.strato.de), where only regular server logs are acquired and stored.

The use of the contact data on this page, published to fulfill imprint requirements by German law, to send not explicitly requested promotion material or advertisements is strictly objected to.

Active Sourcing / Consent

The publication of my contact details shall be interpreted as consent to the direct address in terms of the ePrivacy Directive, if and when it will be confirmed: Every company and individual working in the areas of personnel recruitment, headhunting or human resources, with the clear intent to hire me or to commission my company for a (possible future) assignment, is hereby authorised to contact me through the indicated channels.

EU General Data Protection Regulation / Consent

The publication of my contact details shall be interpreted as consent to storing and using these data: Every company and individual working in the areas of personnel recruitment, headhunting or human resources, with the clear intent to hire me or to commission my company for a (possible future) assignment, is hereby authorised to store and use these data in said context.

Version: August 2020

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This page was last updated on Wednesday, 2020-08-19 11:52.